Ron is a hard worker, not only because he wants to go up in the world, but also because he is motivated to excel at his job.
Ronualdo Tariman Batusin is one of the most hardworking and determined coworkers i have ever encountered. He is very kind and polite and he does his job well. He is also a very fast learner and he easily adapts to the environment around him. Not only is he smart, he is also cultured and aware of various working cultures. He is knowledgeable in technical design as well as British interiors and modern aesthetics. You will find no other hardworking candidate than Mr. Batusin. when given a task, he will set out to accomplish it with much gusto.
He has been my childhood friend and he always shows potential to be a good leader. Ronualdo is considered a gem by his co-workers, for he really execute his job well done not just finishing it before the said deadlines but also ends it with passion for he formally believes in putting what you certainly feel about the job and your passion in life.
As a colleague, Ronualdo has always displayed initiative and excellent communication skills. He has always been eager to learn to further expand his knowledge in the field. He is one to lead in a team/group.
I've personally seen Ronualdo's efficiency and effectivity when we worked together for a freelance interior design project. He is very keen to details and deals clients very well. He quickly has solutions to challenges and is very assertive in what he believes is the right direction for the project.
Ron went above and beyond in keeping me in the loop on important matters. He is so organized and so committed to his job. If I ever have a question, he always seems to have the solution. I know I can always count on him for a quick response.
- Norman Foster